Phone: 704.260.6210 x.22105


Degrees and Certifications:

National Board Certified Masters in Reading Education

Mrs. Saxman's Class

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This year begins my 22nd year of teaching, and I am pleased to say that all of my years have been at MPES. I love our small town school and community! I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education.  I have a Masters in Reading Education from UNCC and I am National Board Certified.  

I grew up in a country setting in Pennsylvania and I married my high school sweetheart, Chris. We have two children, Emily and Aiden. Emily is a College Freshman at UNCC studying to be a teacher and Aiden is an 8th Grader at MPMS.

I love to spend time with my family, attending church at CCMP, vacationing (anywhere!), playing with our Boxer, Utley, and watching Netflix and eating anything. I look forward to embarking on this journey with your child and working with you as a team to help make this school year a success! 

Last Modified on August 22, 2022