

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Jeff Murray

I am the Automotive Technology Instructor at Jay M. Robinson High School. This semester I will be teaching Automotive Service Fundamentals, Automotive Service I, and Automotive Service III.  I am also a SkillsUSA Advisor for Jay M. Robinson.  Please check the links page for more information.

  Parent Contact Link


Students and Parents: Join the JMHRS Automotive Technology Remind.  I will send updates about our classes through this app.

Automotive Service I (1st Block) - Text @2fh3ga to 81010

Automotive Service Fundamentals (2nd Block) - Text @f72eab to 81010

Automotive Service Fundamentals (4th Block) - Text @kk2gcha to 81010


Class Schedule

  • 1st Period -  IT16  - Automotive Service I
    2nd Period -  IT11  - Automotive Service Fundamentals
    3rd Period -  Planning
    4th Period -  IT11  - Automotive Service Fundamentals

Contact Information

Last Modified on January 23, 2023