Phone: 704-260-6230


Degrees and Certifications:

Marie Cawley

     I have been teaching at Patriots STEM Elementary School since it opened in 2010.  I teach children with special needs in reading, writing, math, and social skills in grades K-5 through the exceptional children's program. 

     We are fortunate to have a Student Teacher this year, Mackenzie Trollinger, from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte,who is in the Dual education program.  Mrs. Trollinger will be completing her student teaching in both the general education program in Kindergarten and in our Exceptional Children's program. 

      The best way to reach me:


            or by phone- 704-260-6230.

Cawley’s Canvas Course  


  • Hello,

       This second semester we will continue to provide specially designed instruction in a combination of ways for reading and writing, math, and social skills. We will use a combination of direct instruction, independent practice, work check, and progress monitoring to measure student's growth and make modifications to instruction as needed. Math students have been piloting a new math program called VMath.  It has been exciting for students struggling with math.
      We have a student teacher, Mackenzie Trollinger, who will be joining us this semester.  Ms. Trollinger is a student teacher from UNC Charlotte who will be working in a dual role as a general education teacher in Kindergarten as well as an Exceptional Children's teacher in our classroom.  We look forward to her joining us!
      Meetings for IEP's, etc., will typically be in the morning beginning around 7:50am or afternoon starting at 3:15pm.
       The best way to reach me is via email:  Or you can call the front office and ask for me at 704-260-6230.  Thank you.
    Marie Cawley
    Exceptional Children's Teacher
    Patriots STEM ES


  • ! Check out the "Students" tab on the Patriots home page for web sights your child can use to help support reading, writing and math.  Also let your child explore some STEM activities through the websites listed.

    Marie Cawley

  •                                                                                 Schedule:  2021 - 2022


    *7:30-8:30     Scheduled EC meetings     

    *3:15 - 4:15.  Scheduled EC meetings

    Teaching Schedule:

    8:30 - 3:00 EC Resource classes; Inclusion classes



  • Research Based Curriculum!


    Patriots STEM Elementary School's Exceptional Children's Department will use a number of research based intervention programs to develop cognitive, behavioral and social skills that are age and grade appropriate and help students catch up to their same age peers.  Some of these programs are listed below.


    Curriculum Materials

    Reading Mastery Programs: Developed to increase reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.  Students will read text, including repeated readings, and answer oral and written comprehension questions about the text they have read.

    Great Leaps: Developed to increase reading fluency and comprehension in oral and expressive language.

    Language for Writing: Developed to increase writing fluency and increase organizational and sequencing skills to develop age and grade appropriate writing skills.

    Handwriting without Tears: Developed to increase letter formation, spacing and fluency using print (K-2) and cursive (3-5).

    VMath: Developed to increase math fluency and math problem solving skills at individual students instructional level.

    Inclusion Math:  For students needing specially designed instruction in the general education classroom, an inclusion model of teaching will be implemented.

    Grade level work in the regular classroom along with these interventions as needed will help close the learning gap and develop a successful, competent and confident student.
  • Homework Assignments!

    Students homework will be reading as assigned by their general education teacher!
    Scheduled meetings will be held throughout the year.  If the time and date are not convenient, please feel free to contact me to reschedule.  The best way to reach me is email:  Welcome back!
Last Modified on January 19, 2022