

Degrees and Certifications:

2007 UNC-Charlotte BA History Concentrations in Secondary Education and Comprehensive Social Studies Licensed in 9-12 Social Studies

Mr. Matt Riggins

Welcome to my website! I'm excited about getting to know all of my students this year. I'm originally from Monroe, NC and graduated from Parkwood High in 2003. I was a North Carolina Teaching Fellow at UNCC (Go Niners!) and graduated in 2007 with my BA in History with concentrations in Secondary Education and Comprehensive Social Studies. My first 11 years teaching were back at Parkwood and then I spent 2 at Central Cabarrus, 1 at Mount Pleasant, and now am in my second year as a Bulldog.

I'll be teaching Civic Literacy and AP US History this year. I'll also be serving as the Offensive Coordinator and Wide Receivers coach for the football team, and the throws coach for the track team.

I live in Midland with my girlfriend, Lauren and my dog, Xero. When I'm not teaching and coaching I enjoy sports, trivia, cooking, and working on projects around my house.





    Class Schedule

    1st Block - Planning

    2nd Block - Civic Literacy

    3rd Block - Honors Civic Literacy

    4th Block - AP US History (A/B)