
Transcript Requests

  • Students can submit transcript requests through several diffrent platforms for college admission or other reasons. 


    There are 2 ways to submit a Transcript Request:


    1. Request an automatic transcript submission. Use the websites linked below to apply to college and other programs. These websites also allow you to request a transcript be sent automatically to school(s) you're applying to. 

    Follow the links below to create your account and start applying to colleges! 


    2. Manual transcritp request. This means that you are requesting a paper copy of your transcipt be given to you in a sealed envelope for you to mail to the school or program on your own. This can take up to 2 school weeks for processing. 

    The link to request a manual transcript will be here by Monday 8/30!


      Create a CFNC Account


    Common App   Create a Common App Account


  • Mannual Transcript Requests:

    This type of request is for a hard copy of your transcript for programs other than college or scholarships. 


    This process can take up to 14 school days


    You are responsible for mailing the transcript to the program or providing it to the requesting angency


    This is NOT for record of credits or GPA--email your counselor if you need to know this information 


    Transcripts for College Applications and most scholarships need to be submitted electornically through the websites listed above 


    Examples of hard copy requests:

    -Driver Eligibility 


    -Proof of Identification


    Manual Transcript Request Form-Paper Copy