Administrative Services
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Frequently Used Policies
This webpage includes links to CCS Board Policies frequently used by school administrators and staff. We will update as needed. Contact Sue Burns if you would like a policy added to the list. Links will update as policies are revised.Contact Sue Burns with any questions regarding policies or the policy implementation process at Office 704-260-5601 #75601 Mobile 704-791-0514
Athletics, Extracurricular Activities
3620 Extracurricular Activities and Student Organizations
4152 Local Athletic Eligibility
4270/6145 Concussion and Head Injury
Discipline (4300 Series)
1725/4035/7236 Title IX Sexual Harassment- Prohibited Conduct and Reporting Process4300 Student Behavior Policies (Student Code of Conduct Levels)3470/4305 Alternative Learning Programs and Schools
4340 School Level Investigations
4341 Parental Involvement in Student Behavior Issues
4353 Long-Term Suspension, 365-Day Suspension
Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying, Grievance and Complaints
1710/4021/7230 – Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying
1720/4015/7225 Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Comlaint Procedure
1740/4010/5001 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure
1742/5060 Responding to Complaints Not Included Within Other Policies
Educational Program
3115 Curriculum and Instructional Guides/Frameworks For Instruction
3200 Selection of Instructional Materials
3210 Parental/Guardian Inspection and Objection to Instructional Materials
3240/4204 Animals for Instructional Purposes
3320 AG School Trips Administrative Guidelines
3420 Student Promotion and Accountability
4150 School Assignment,Transfers and Program Choice Enrollment
4154 Program Choice Expectations and Continuation
4202/5029/7272 Service Animals in Schools
Exceptional Children1730/4022/7231 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability
3520 Exceptional Children’s Programs/Rights of Students with Disabilities
4307 Disciplinary Action for Exceptional Children/Students with Disabilities
5030 Community Use of Facilities
7730 Employee Conflict of Interest
8410 Individual School Accounts
7200 Professional Standards of Conduct and Performance for Teachers
7205 Standards of Professional Conduct
7220-1750 Grievance Procedure for Employees
1720/4015/7225 Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Comlaint Procedure
7275/5027 Weapons and Explosives Prohibited
7335 Employee Use of Social Media and Electronic Communications
7340 Employee Dress and Appearance
7720 Employee Community and Political Activities
7740 Publication or Creation of Materials or Other Products by Employees
7811 Plans for Growth and Development of Professional Licensed Employees
Student Services/ Health & Safety
4150 School Assignment, Transfers and Program Choice Enrollment
4240/7312 Child Abuse- Reports and Investigations
4270/6145 Concussion and Head Injury
5021/6138/7268 Emergency Use of Naloxone (New)
5024/6135/7267 Automated External Defibrillator
5023/6127/7266 Emergency Epinephrine Auto-Injector Devices
6125 Administering Medicines to Students
3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use
3225/4312/7320 AG Technology Acceptable Use
3227/7322 Web Page Development
4334/5035/7345 Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)
4313 Student Use of Social Networking Sites, Blogging and the Internet
Visitors, Community
5025 Prohibition of Drugs and Alcohol
5027/7275 Weapons and Explosives Prohibited
5030 Community Use of Facilities
4334/5035/7345 Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)
5120 Relationship with Law Enforcement
5210 Distribution and Display of Non-Curricular Materials to Students