Duolingo 4-5 Challenge
3rd, 4th and 5th grades and parents that will like to learn Spanish
You have options. You can create a profile by clicking the blue botton on the top right or you can start learning without creating a profile by clicking the New to Spanish square. Eventually it will ask you to create a profile to continue your lesson a litter further.
To create your profile fill up the information required
you can use your own email or your parents email ONLY if its ok with them (ask them for permission)
La Familia Madrigal - Encanto
Make a copy of the beautiful google slide made by Mrs. Roca
Buenos días song K-2
This is the song we sing every day in my class my class. Ask your child to sing along.
Rockalingua 3rd, 4th and 5th
3rd, 4th and 5th
Log in using your username and password
Remember your user name is your first and last name all together and lower cases.
Your password is: leopards (All lower cases)
Complete you tasks
Click on the circle beside Spanish Review
* I will be adding more task and monitoring your progress.
Irregular verbs Quiz (2nd grade Immersion)
Please complete this assignment and turn it in to me before the class ended