Welcome to Kindergarten

  • vjvn


Phone: 704-782-0601 Ext. 620


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Elementary Education (K-5) Social Studies Licensure (6-9)

Ms. Katherine Hunter

Hello! Welcome to Ms. Hunter's Kindergarten class. I am originally from Syracuse, New York. I have lived in North Carolina for the past 15 years. I graduated from the State University of New York at Oswego. I started my teaching career at Nathaniel Alexander Elementary in Charlotte, North Carolina. I taught fifth grade there for two years. This is my 13th year at W.R. Odell Primary. I taught third grade for the past 9 years. This is my fourth year in Kindergarten. 
Fun Facts About Ms. Hunter 
-Favorite Color- Purple
-Favorite Book Series- Hunger Games, Divergent 
-Favorite Restaurants- Subway, McDonalds, Papa John's
-Favorite Store- Target 
- My favorite vacation spot is the beach.
-I have a Bassett Hound named Roscoe 
- I have a Black Lab named Fiona 
- I have a mutt named Piper 
- I have a bearded dragon named Spike 

Daily Schedule




      7:55-8:15 - Arrive (unpack , check-in) 
    8:15-8:45 Morning Meeting 
    8:50-9:50 Math 
    9:55-10:40 Encore 
    10:45- Restroom / Snack 
    10:55-12:30 Literacy 
    12:35-1:05 Lunch 
     1:05- 1:20  Science
    1:20 - 1:50  Recess 
    1:50-2:45 -  Math Interventions / Writing 

Scholastic Book Club

  • Scholastic
    Here are the steps to place an on-line book order.  If you have any questions please e-mail me. 
    1. Click on the picture above. It will take you directly to the Scholastic Page.
    2. Enter our class activation code- W7T3H ( you only have to do this the first time you log-in) 
    3.Shop for the books you would like to purchase.
    4. Submit your order
    5. All orders will be shipped to our classroom.  

Donor's Choose

Volunteer Sign Up

  •  Please click on the link below and fill out the Parent Volunteer information. Parents must have a current background check to chaperone field trips. 

Last Modified on May 21, 2020