

Degrees and Certifications:

Technology Fee Payment Option


Per the CCS Equipment Agreement Form that is now delivered to families online through the online “Scribbles” platform.

Technology fee chart based on damage


Payment Options

(No cash should be sent in for payments with your student)  

Option 1

Payment by check can be dropped off at the front office which is open 8-5 daily.     

Checks should be payable to “CCGMS” and include a telephone number on the check.  

Place your check in an envelope 

Label envelope with:

Student name

“CB Repair Fees” 

Amount you have enclosed.  

Option 2

Your student can turn in payment to Mr. Hall (no cash).

Checks should be payable to “CCGMS” and include a telephone number on the check.  

Place your check in an envelope 

Label envelope with:

Student name

“CB Repair Fees” 

Amount you have enclosed.  

Option 3

Pay online through the K12 Payment Center at

Be sure to include your student’s name in the “memo” box.