Phone: 704-260-6410
Degrees and Certifications:
Master of Education
UNC Charlotte
Middle Grades and Secondary Ed, Middle Grades, Science
Bachelor of Arts
UNC Charlotte
Middle Grade: Science and Social Studies
Minor: History
Ms. Jessica Hendley Perez
Welcome to 6th Grade! My name is Ms. Perez and I am so excited to have your scholar in my 6th Grade science classroom this year! I hope everyone had a fun-filled summer and is ready to start an amazing school year. Science is the best subject there is- we get to learn about our world and how it shapes our future so we can become the leaders of tomorrow! I will hold you to very high expectations for behavior and learning. In order to reach our goals we must work together to ensure that our classroom is a productive, safe and fun environment! Classrooms are the places that lawyers, doctors, politicians, actors and athletes are born. You are lucky to be in such a special place.This year we will focus on making science come alive using labs, projects, and presentations.
E-mail: Phone: 704-856-9565 ( Call or Text)
Office Hours:
Every Friday from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. on your Microsoft Teams!