School Plans for Student Achievement

  • The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) coordinates all educational services at the school.  The SPSA shall, at a minimum, address how categorical funds provided by state and/or federal sources will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils.  The SPSA also must integrate the purposes and requirements of all categorical programs in which the school participates. 

    The SPSA serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process. The plan should be developed with a deep understanding of the root causes of student academic challenges and identify and implement research-based instructional strategies to raise the achievement of students who are not yet proficient by state standards. A well-developed SPSA can ensure that students are better equipped to meet the Common Core State Standards in English and math. It is critical that each school’s SPSA:

    • Builds on a premise that students are capable of learning with effective instruction.
    • Includes school goals aligned with activities and goals included in the LCAP and LEA Plans to maximize school reform efforts.
    • Is based on verifiable data analysis.
    • Focuses on student achievement and academic interventions.
    • Implements high leverage school improvement actions.
    • Directs resources where they will most directly improve student academic achievement.
    • Ensures that all resources are aligned to serve identified students’ needs.
    • Uses research-based strategies.
    • Implements strategic coordination of resources.

    California Education Code (EC) Section 64001 requires that the School Site Council (SSC) develop the SPSA. The SSC’s responsibilities include approving the plan, recommending it to the local governing board for approval, monitoring its implementation, and evaluating the effectiveness of the planned activities at least annually.  Finally, school plans must be developed with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committee.

    To set school goals, the SSC should carefully review district priorities as stated in the LCAP and LEA Plans, and assess both state and local quantitative and qualitative student achievement data to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional program. 

    Adapted from the California Department of Education's Guide to the Single Plan for Student Achievement, Part I, February 2014.