• Cafeteria

         All students are expected to eat in designated lunch areas.  Adult supervisors are to be given the same respect as the principal, assistant principal, teachers and all school personnel. Failure to follow directions or remain in designated areas during lunch will result in disciplinary action.  Students who do not have their I.D. card with them will report to the grassy knoll to pick-up a NO ID card issued 10 minutes into the lunch period allowing 20 minutes to eat; the snack bar will not serve students without an I.D. card.

     Closed Campus/Lunch Passes

         Students must remain on the Villegas campus during the entire school day.  Permission to leave campus during school hours will be granted only upon written request of the parent or guardian, and verified through the office.  Students must be signed out by parent or authorized adult. Permission for an off-campus lunch pass must be obtained from the principal.  In addition, students MUST sign out from the office when they leave school and sign in when they return.  Parents wishing to pick up students at any time during school hours must present a picture ID.