- Villegas Middle School
- Overview
- Mrs. L. Gale – Librarian
- Mrs. A. Barnthouse – Library Assistant
- Direct Line: 951.358.1701
- e-mail: linh.gale@alvordschools.org
DESTINY Online Catalog
Our online catalog can be accessed from anywhere at https://alvord.follettdestiny.com/ to search for books and other resources.
- Before school 7:30 - 8:25 a.m. for studying, reading and checking library books in/out
- After school 3:15 - 3:30 p.m. for checking out library books
- You can use our computers to complete assignments including printing
- Students can have up to 3 books at a time for 3 weeks
- All students visit the library every three weeks with their LA class
- Students are responsible for any damage to library and textbooks
- Lunch time: Varies, look for the dot on the door: green/open or red/closed
- Supplies available: calculators, rulers, colored pencils/makers, glue, glue sticks, hole puncher, scissors, protractor, paper-lined/plain
- Textbooks are available for use in the library
- We do NOT have a photo copier
DATA BASE for Researching
This year our library is fortunate to have two databases available for research. The library is thankful for both our School Site Council and district office for purchasing these valuable resources. You will have access to Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 140 popular middle school magazines, 105,786 primary source documents, 40 newspapers US and International and much more. This can be accessed from home or at school and even on Ipads. Every ELA class was presented the information for using the databases and a handy card to access each one. Both databases can be accessed from our district library webpage Destiny Online Catalog.
- 1. Go to http://search.ebscohost.com/
- 2. Username: villegasms
- 3. Password: password
GALE Research in Context:
- GALE Research in Context
- Password: alvord
MOVING: DO NOT PACK the textbooks as you will need to return them.