Phone: 951.358.1695


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Liberal Studies, La Sierra University M.A. Administration and Leadership, La Sierra University California State Clear Credentials: Multiple Subjects; Single Subjects: English, Home Economics and Health Science

Ms. Myeasha Pruitt

Welcome to Villegas Middle School Food Science! In this class we will learn about the fundamental biological, chemical and physical scientific principles associated with the study of food.Topics include: food composition and nutrition; food additives and regulations; food safety, processing, and engineering; product development and sensory evaluation.This is a Career Technical Education (CTE) class. This means that students will have hands-on opportunities to create things at home and earn certifications that can help in a future career.

All students will be members of and have the opportunity to actively participate in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).FCCLA offers programs, contests, scholarships, and opportunities for members to develop real world skills, become college- and career-ready, and make a difference in families, careers, and communities. Advanced Food Science students are expected to actively participate in local FCCLA events, participate in catering and provide leadership to beginning students.

We are the only Alvord Unified School District middle school with this class. I hope you enjoy this unique privilege!