
  • Student Study Team

    Students, families, teachers, counselors, and administrators work in partnership to provide resources for students with academic and/or behavior needs.  The team offers a variety of educational strategies to maximize student success.

    Flow of Student Study Team Process

    • Pre-referral meeting: Teacher requests a meeting with the team to discus interventions to use before a referral is made.
    • Teacher Interventions: Teacher designs and documents any interventions made for the student.
    • Teacher Referral: Teacher completes the “Request for Student Study Team Meeting” and “SST Student Intervention Log”.
    • Schedule Meeting: SST meeting is scheduled with grade level team, parents, student, and Student Study Team.
    • Schedule Meeting: Notify grade level team and parent of time and date of meeting for student.  (Provide parents a SST Tri-fold, which includes time/date of meeting).
    • Conduct Meeting: SST Summary Form is completed to include interventions made for student.
    • Schedule Follow- up Meeting: An informal meeting will be held after one month by a representative of the SST (include notes of conversations in students file). A three-month follow up will be scheduled for the complete team (including teachers).
    • Follow-up: Conduct a follow-up meting and complete the “SST Follow-up Form”