Student Activities Code and Patriot Pride

  • Villegas Activity Code

    Any student who is a member of a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity must have a 2.0 GPA with no more than one failing grade. A student must carry a 2.5 GPA with no more than one "F" in order to petition for or remain in ASB. Attendance and behavior will considered during the selection process.
    Students failing to meet this code will not be released from classes for on or off-campus performances, rehearsals, preparation, field trips, etc. This code is in effect while students are traveling to and from school, to and from an activity, as well as during school hours and during the activity.


    Assemblies will be held during the school year for all students. Students in the audience shall exhibit good manners. Whistling or booing will not be permitted. Students who misbehave may be denied the right to attend future assemblies.

    Patriot Pride Trip

    The Patriot Pride trip is a positive incentive trip for students who have good grades, attendance, and citizenship. Criteria are no grade lower than a "C" (a C­ will exclude), no detentions, discipline referrals, Minimum Day Schools, suspensions, unverified absences or truancies.

Act 1
Act 3
Act 2
Act 4