Health Services and Procedures

  • Emergency Cards and Emergencies

    Parents/guardians are required to fill out an emergency/registration card at the beginning of every school year and any time information changes. It is absolutely essential that the information be kept current. In case of an emergency, the school will call home or parent's/guardian's place of employment. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, office personnel will use their best judgment in getting medical attention for an injured or ill student.
    Students will not be released to anyone who is twt on the emergency card. A picture ID must be presented whenever a student is released.


    Illness/First Aid

    If you become ill or if you are injured while at school, you should obtain a pass from the teacher and report to the office. The secretaries will administer first aid and/or call for a nurse if necessary. Students must not leave the building because of illness without written authorization. School nurses are on call for emergency purposes. The health office is located in the main office.  Each student is required to have an emergency card on file with updated phone numbers. If a student is ill, he/she will not be sent home until a parent/guardian or other person indicated on the emergency card has been contacted to come to school.  The school administers "first-aid" only. Injuries, cuts, burns, or blisters should be attended to before students
    arrive at school.


    Student Insurance

    It is the responsibility of parents to pay for medical care resulting from school injuries. It is highly recommended that parents provide accident coverage for their students. If you are interested in the low cost insurance made available through the district, complete the enrollment forms provided with the registration packet or contact the office.



    Students who have been prescribed medicine by a doctor must bring the medicine to the office with directions from the doctor indicating when it is to be
    taken. Medicines must be in a regular prescription bottle with the student's name on it.  Students may not carry medication of any kind on campus. Students taking medication must have an AUSD form on file for medication. The form may be obtained from the school office and must be completed by a doctor and signed by a parent/guardian. All medication will remain in the office. With a completed medication form on file, students may carry an inhaler.