Phone: 951-525-1701 (text only)


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music with an emphasis in Instrumental Music and Wind Performance (French Horn) - California State University, Long Beach - 2008 Single Subject Teaching Credential - K-12 Music - California State University, Long Beach - 2010

Mx. Max Berland

Welcome to a new school year! Students, you can call me Mx. (pronounced "mix") Berland, or just Berland is fine too. This year is going to very interesting as we all figure out how to learn music over distance education. I'm excited to try some new things we usually don't have time for, while still continuing to develop the musical skills that will allow you to pursue all kinds of musical opportunities as you grow older.


This will be my 11th year teaching and my 11th year here at Villegas Middle School. I'm looking forward to meeting new students and seeing old faces, and making some music together!

