• Elective/Encrichment Department

    Welcome to the Villegas Enrichment Department!  We are so pleased that your child has the opportunity to experience one of our fabulous enrichment classes. Villegas is one of the few middle schools offering a variety of enrichment classes for students, which includes:

    • ART
    • BAND
    • CHOIR
    • DRAMA
    • AVID

    In accordance with the curriculum we offer in each area of enrichment, we also have opportunities for students to join club activities that expand the curriculum beyond the school day. Choir performs at school and in various places throughout Riverside. Choir and Drama take trips to various performances in the area. Drama sponsors the Villegas Talent Show and does an end of the year play. Band competes and performs throughout the year. ASB and AVID attend college trips, while Home-Ec offers other afterschool cooking experiences and upcoming competitions. Art exhibits in the past have displayed award winning student projects. 

    Every area of enrichment exposes students to various skills that may benefit them in their current classes and in high school. All the enrichment teachers work to support the academic teachers by implementing common core strategies. Students have the opportunity to take three different types of enrichment classes, one for 6th, 7th, or 8th.  A few enrichment classes have secod year programs as well. 

    Please visit the teacher page for the enrichment/elective class your child is currently taking in order to see more detailed information. 


    Mrs. Filadelfia

    Elective  Department Chair