What does it take to be great?
The leadership of the Rio School District is aiming at greatness. We are rallying our resources and energies to achieve great things. Our main function as a school District is teaching and learning. Along these lines we have established goals and narratives that aim to help every child develop their 21st century practices; collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and caring as well as their literacy in reading, writing, math, and technology. All in all this equates to hiring well and supporting our teachers in their development to become great teachers.
The picture in this blog post suggests some important attributes of a great 21st century educator. Along with these newer mindsets, we are aiming to support every Rio teacher in every subject area to become great teachers of reading and writing as well as great teachers of English language development for second language learners. This is what our Rio students need and what will qualify for Rio becoming great.
We are excited about the current year’s effort among our teaching staff who are engaging with new online professional development platforms, Redbird Learning and PADDLE, that are part of our developing system to support teacher learning and growth.
A “portrait of a graduate” is a new term for what school systems aim for in their students. Rio greatness will come from teachers and support staff working together to significantly increase the 21st century skills of our students as well as their basic literacy and command of the English language. This is our charge, our aim, and our enduring work.