S.T.E.A.M. : What’s it all about?

S.T.E.A.M. : What’s it all about?
S.T.E.A.M. : What’s it all about?   S.T.E.A.M. learning focuses on science, technology, engineering,arts, and math. These disciplines and practices have become more prominent focal points for school  curriculum and learning activities in recent times. The Rio School District has been engaged in developing S.T.E.A.M. learning for the last six…
Superintendent Blog, Texts, VCSTEAMN
S.T.E.A.M. – What’s it all About?
 is learning that focuses on science,technology,engineering, the Arts, and mathematics. The Rio School District is working to imbue STEAM learning in all our 8 schools in a variety of ways. In addition, we are in the planning process for constructing a new K-8 STEAM school that will combine architecture, curriculum,…
District News, Superintendent Blog, VCSTEAMN
Exploring Space and Time
This week students are out for Winter break but it will be my pleasure and adventure to go out to the observatory we are creating and record the shadow length. 6th grade students, their teacher (Mr. Spencer) and I are exploring learning through this project which examines earth/sun relationships and…
Superintendent Blog, VCSTEAMN
VCSTEAMN Colloquium# 3 “SEARCH”
Keynote Speaker: Andrew Schwab, CTO, Berryessa Union School District VCSTEAMN search colloquium flier Andrew Schwab is an educator, IT professional and 1:1 evangelist. As a member of the CUE Board of Directors, a CETPA Certified CTO and a Google Certified Teacher, he is active in supporting and growing the edTech community. Andrew…
District News, Superintendent Blog, VCSTEAMN
Materials Colloquium coming May 29, 2013
Materials Colloquium links    VCSTEAMN (Ventura County Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math Network) Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science… Chemistry for Life Materials Science and Engineering Strange Matter Materials Classroom Materials Videos, Games, Simulations and more Top 100 Materials Scientists Materials Science Fair Projects Tensile Test Experiments Virtual Museum of…
Ventura County Science Technology  ∑ngineering Arts Mathematics Network                     VCSTEAMN Aims            The VCSTEAMN intends to do the following: To develop partnerships and community among educators, scientists, technology specialists, artists, engineers, and mathematicians and those interested in these fields aimed at furthering educational opportunities and achievement for learners of all…
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