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2024-25 School Year

We’re growing, expanding and using new methods! Enroll today for the 2024-25 school year.

Work at Rio

Join a District that believes in meeting the needs of the whole child.

District Programs

Rio School District aims to provide safe learning environments that support every child developing and learning to their fullest potential.


Find relevant information related to all our school campuses and District buildings and grounds.




Faculty & Staff


Indoor Teaching Spaces


Acres of Outdoor Spaces

S.T.E.A.M. Learning

S.T.E.A.M. learning focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics.  The Rio School District has been engaged in S.T.E.A.M. learning for the last 10 years, including building a new school specifically focused on STEAM learning models and implementation.

Science learning in the past has often been de-contextualized and relegated to text book work. We think Science learning needs to include doing science, learning the history of science, developing an Inquiry Lens for life, and learning to use scientific perspectives for life-long problem solving.

Technology attracts and engages learners. It can provide rich and speedy feedback. It too needs to be contextualized and “historicalized.” It needs to be put into the service of problem solving at local and global levels. It needs to break down institutional barriers to learning. It needs to empower learners. It needs to take into consideration the story of the Luddites.

Engineering is a great and under-exposed field for young learners. It helps solve problems. It’s all about design, form, and function. Its about the applied use of math/science, design, and technology which addresses the relevance of learning.

Arts are about being human. We need to allow and teach learners to create art. Art leads to other things. Art separates man from beast. Art is often under-taught and usually includes the misconception that to be good at the arts it is all about what talent you are born with rather than what you learn and how hard you work. The same is true for mathematics.

Mathematics is rarely taught in context. Learners need to see math in action, to see the beauty and creativity in math work and to develop the right balance of procedural and conceptual understanding. STEAM learning engages the math learner in their development as speakers of the universal language of math which is perhaps, the universal language of the universe or at least, the human mind.

Superintendent Message

Greetings Rio Families and Community Members,

We are currently completing two thirds of the 2024/25 school year and are working collectively on  achieving our goals of providing safe and high quality learning environments for all children so they can achieve learning to their greatest potential. I recently met with our superintendent’s roundtable, which is composed of 5-8 grade students from all our schools. These students were selected by their school principals and are a wonderful group. We do activities together and I also ask them to share a bit about what is going well this school year and what are their challenges.

It is great to experience such positive and thoughtful students who are able to express themselves about their school experiences and their general wellbeing. Together, parents and school staff have great capacity to guide children’s development. We look forward to finishing the school year strong and to meeting again with the children in the last trimester of the school year.

John Puglisi, Ph.D.

Superintendent – Rio School District

“Learning Excellence for All”  

Parent Resources

ParentSquare App

The ParentSquare app and website offers a streamlined way for you to; get alerts, contact teachers and principals,sign up for opportunities, complete forms, RSVP for events, make payments, and more.

Parent Connection

ParentConnect is the district’s web-based access to our student information system. With this web-based portal, parents can check their students’ attendance, health and discipline records, standardized testing results, classroom assignments, cafeteria information, and more.

Special Projects & Events

Rio School District provides several special projects and events that help mold the young minds. These projects cover a variety of subjects and usually include hands-on real life learning opportunities.

Stakeholder Engagement

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Each district’s LCAP must be built around eight priority areas identified by the California Department of Education:
•  Access to core services
•  Implementation of Common Core State Standards
•  Access to a broad course of study
•  Student achievement
•  Other student outcomes
•  Student engagement
•  Parent involvement
•  School climate

Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO)

Expanded Learning Opportunities allow for the primary acquisition of knowledge and skills through instruction or study outside of the traditional classroom including, but not limited to: Independent study, Private instruction, Performing groups, Internships, Community service, Apprenticeships, and Online courses.

ELOs are an integral part of young people’s education, engaging them in year-round learning opportunities that prepare them for college, career, and life.

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

The ELAC is responsible for the following tasks:
•  Advising the principal and staff in the development of a site plan for English learners and assisting in the development of the school-wide needs assessment.
•  Each ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
• The parents or guardians of English learners elect the parent members of ELAC and receive the opportunity to vote in the election.

Creative Arts

This section of the webpages connect viewers with District arts programs and opportunities.


This section of the District web pages connects viewers to information related to 21st century learning technologies used by learners, staff, and community. Rio Robotics is a course in Robotics, which utilizes Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits.

Engaged Learning

This section of the District webpages connects viewers to examples of “active” learning. The Rio School District emphasizes hands-on and minds-on inquiry based learning that connects, engages, and develops literacies for every learner.

District News & Events