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104It is my pleasure to serve as the Superintendent of the Rio School District. Rio is making great strides towards becoming a world class learning organization that achieves world class student achievement results. Each of our eight schools are working together to help students improve their literacy skills while developing their 21st century learning
practices; communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and caring. It is amazing to visit our schools and observe the great work staff and students are doing to transform learning for all involved.

Rio offers 1 to 1 computing providing every child with a mobile computing device that they can use throughout the day to be connected to the vast information and tools on the Internet as well as personalized learning tools they can use to develop their literacy skills.

Transforming an organization takes time and commitment, however, I am impressed with the progress made in the last four years as our our staff and students collaborate to achieve. Of course, we are challenged to continue this work and begin to demonstrate tangible and documented results. Partnerships with our staff, families, and the community are key to the work accomplished to date, and have the potential to be a model for what the greater Oxnard plains community can do when focused on high expectations and world class goals.

The Superintendent’s Office is a great team. Ms. Sonia Cervantez supports a great variety of activities that contribute to the work of leading the Rio District.

The Rio School District is truly engaged in great things. Students, educators and families are taking on the challenge of becoming a 21st Century Learning Organization and this makes it an exciting place to learn and work.

John D. Puglisi, Ph.D.

Phone: 805-485-3111
Email: John Puglisi

Superintendent News

Everything’s messed up.

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Will Schools Ever Be The Same?

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Were Schools Ready for a Pandemic ?

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What is America?

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Superintendent Office Staff

Sonia Cervantez

Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

(805) 485-3111 ext. 2102

Veronica Rauschenberger

Executive Director, Educational Excellence and Innovation

(805) 485-3111

Araceli Lyon

Administrative Secretary

(805) 485-3111

Carlo Godoy

Media Coordinator

(805) 485-3111

Fernanda Izquierdo


(805) 485-3111