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Welcome to Parent ConnectLog in to ParentConnect – your portal to information about your students!

Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and what they mean to your student. The goal of the CCSS is not to replace the curriculum that your student is learning in school. The CCSS are intended to supplement the current standards, as well as ensure that your student leaves school with the real-world skills and knowledge that he or she needs to succeed in college and/or career.

Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the CCSS facts and upcoming events:

Common Core State Standards Parent Handbook is a document created by the California County Superintendent’s Education Services Association in consultation with the PTA.

Common Core Grade Level Curriculum, A Look at K-6 is a compilation of subject-matter curriculum, including information about the Common Core State Standards, organized by individual grade level.

CCSS Myths vs. Facts

CCSS Frequently Asked Questions

Parents’ Guide to Student Success” prepared by the National PTA. (Available in English and Spanish.)