End of Year Items.
Dear Parents, I have attached a paper that shows what I am looking for at the end of Kindergarten. It does not have any scores or names written on it. I am going to write each section and the score that is needed at the end of the year. If you would like to know what your child scores were at the end of the third-quarter please email me and I will let you know. This gives you an idea of what to work on also at home. I am working on trying to come up with something to send home again to work on. As always, please keep in contact and message or email me. I hope everyone is healthy and happy.
ID 54 up and lower case letters-needs to know all 54
LNF(letter naming fluency is timed for 1 minute)-46 or more
LWSF(letter word sound fluency is timed for 1 minute)-38 or more
Rhyming-6-8 or more
Words in print(sight words and soundable words)-55 or more
Writes first and last name correctly on lined paper with appropriate sizing
Prints upper and lower case alphabet letters correctly on lined paper with appropriate sizing.
Uses spacing correctly when writing a sentence on lined paper with appropriate sizing.
Colors-11 basic colors
Shapes-9 basic shapes
Count to 100 or above
Identify numbers to 20 or above
Writes numbers to 120 or above
Knows which group is greater than, less than, and equal to
Count to 100 or higher by 10s Default Hyperlink Text