Mrs. Whitworth's FAB 5 spent the first 2 weeks learning procedures and how to work together in teams. Two of the activities they sharpened their teamwork skills on were called Saving Fred and a stem project with the book, Ricky the Rock that Couldn't Roll.
In Saving Fred, they worked together to put a life jacket (a gummy lifesaver) around Fred (a gummy worm) after he fell out of his boat. Their fingers and hands couldn't touch Fred. They could only use paper clips to accomplish this task. Some teams were successful while others were not.
After reading the book, Ricky the Rock that Couldn't Roll, the teams were given a task to use items such as pipe cleaners, sponges, play dough, cotton balls, etc. to create a rock that could roll. Most teams chose play dough and pipe cleaners. One group used all 4 items.
All in all, the teams worked well together to accomplish their tasks. They were able to reflect on their teamwork skills to improve them for future missions.