Evans Middle School News

Favorite Movie Spirit Day

Movie Spirit Day

December 21, 2021

Students at Evans Middle School have been participating in several spirit days during t...

basketball logo

The Ottumwa Girls Youth Basketball League provides a fun atmosphere for girls to learn ...

silent auction poster

The Evans' show choir, Rising Stars, will host a silent auction on Thursday, Decemb...

Lego League Team

Evans Lego League teams 792 Lucky Lemurs and 794 Drone Rangers attended the First LEGO ...

PBIS Weekly Winners

Positive Referral Winners for the week ending December 10th were: Aubrey Barton, Shiloh...

student with pizza slice

Pizza was delivered to Evans and OHS Tuesday and Thursday this week.  Based on ...

Positive Office Referral Winners

This week's Positive Referral Winners are: Allison Swallow, Shameka Scott, and Jaxo...

clothing drive logo

The Evans' Student Council is holding a clothing drive during the month of December...

Pam De Boer

Pam De Boer, band director at Evans Middle School, will join band directors from across...

lunch trays

Nutrition Services Opening

November 30, 2021

Evans has an immediate opening for a person to work in their nutrition services departm...

IAC logo

Ottumwa Schools is today announcing its membership in a new high school athletic league...

Positive Referral Weekly Winners

Positive Referral Winners for the week are Destiny Sellwood, Anthony Rivera, and Juana ...


Ms. DeBoer and Ms. Streeby worked with students and staff at Evans Middle School to pro...

STUDENT painting

Evans to Present "Annie Jr."

November 11, 2021

The Evans Drama Department will present Annie, JR. on Saturday, November 20 at 7 p...

6th Grade PBIS Celebration Winners

Evans students participated in an obstacle course for their Quarter 1 PBIS Celebration....

students looking at xrays

8th Grade Career Day at IHCC

November 8, 2021

On Friday November 5, 8th grade students at Evans Middle School had the opportunit...

Choir Concert

The Evans Middle School Choirs celebrated a great first concert this week. If you misse...

Periodic Table Battleship

Learning with a game

November 1, 2021

Students in Miss Alexander's 7th grade Science class learned with a game this week....

Positive Referral Winners

Positive Referral Program

October 29, 2021

Evans Middle School has implemented a Positive Referral Program. Teachers will send pos...

parent teacher conferences

Fall Conferences Scheduled

October 29, 2021

Conferences for Evans Middle School will be held on Monday, November 8 from 4-7:30 p.m....

bulldog logo

Ottumwa boys in grades 4, 5, and 6 are invited to participate in the Ottumwa Youth Bask...

8th Grade students cleaning up Evans

Some of Mrs. Burton's 8th grade Financial Literacy students picked up trash around ...


Boys Basketball Camp Offered

October 19, 2021

Ottumwa Schools is hosting an Ottumwa Youth Boys Basketball Camp for Ottumwa boys in gr...

7th Grade Science Molecule Building

Students in Mrs. Goemaat's 7th grade science class have been studying molecules. Th...

students watching band

On Saturday, October 16, several band students in grades 6th-8th attended the state mar...