• Columbia Elementary School

    Mission: Developing Confident, Competent and Compassionate People

    We believe. . .

    • We have a duty to examine personal and institutional bias to provide a school where all children have equitable access and believe they belong.
    • All students learn.
    • We have the duty to support students toward a love of learning and reaching their full potential.
    • Each student brings unique value to our learning community.
    • A safe and productive learning environment for both our students and ourselves supports learning.
    • Positive relationships among students, staff and parents help students learn. Community partnerships are vital to successful students.

    We are committed to. . .

    • Providing equitable access to rigorous academic and social-emotional support.  
    • Knowing and teaching each child’s strengths and needs.
    • Encouraging compassionate practices through cultural competency, service learning, inclusion opportunities.
    • Teaching students healthy habits and social skills.
    • Welcoming both families & community members as partners in the growth and learning of our students.


  • General Information

  • Attendance Information

  • Transportation

  • Behavior

  • Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)

  • Communications

  • Safety Procedures

  • In the Classroom

  • Student Health

  • Parent Teacher Association (PTA)