• We serve approximately 175 three, four, and five-year-old preschool students with a variety of developmental disabilities/delays in our preschool program. These students have been evaluated and qualified to receive special education services in a variety of areas, including pre-academic, communication, social/behavioral, adaptive, and fine/gross motor skills.

    Classes are taught by certified special education teachers specializing in early childhood learning and development.

    An opportunity for free preschool 

    In addition to serving children with developmental disabilities/delays, our program is expanding to include more inclusive settings. Our Peer Model classrooms are made up of both typically developing children and children with designated special needs. The classrooms provide enriched opportunities in all areas of development, including empathy and nurturing healthy friendships. All students in the program participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate preschool activities. Please note: Your child must turn three by August 31 and live within the Mukilteo school district boundaries to be eligible as a peer partner.

    How to apply:

    Fill out the Peer Model Questionnaire and the Preschool Attendance Agreement and submit them to Rana Mahmassani.

    Program Details:

    • What: An approved preschool curriculum is used to teach pre-academic, language/communication, and social/behavioral skills in whole- and small-group interactive learning activities, including direct instruction and guided/meaningful play activities. Every preschool classroom is staffed by one teacher and two additional teaching assistants.
    • Where: Preschool classrooms are located at three different sites - Challenger Elementary, Columbia Elementary, and Serene Lake Elementary.
    • When: Sessions are 2 ½ hours long, offered in the morning (9:00 – 11:30 a.m.) or afternoon (12:55 – 3:25 p.m.), Monday - Thursday. There is no preschool on Fridays.
    • Transportation: Must be provided by the parent/guardian.

    Questions? Please contact Rana Mahmassani | mahmassanirx@mukilteo.wednet.edu