• The middle school is working with the City of Mill Valley, Mill Valley Police Department, Safe Routes to School, and Marin Transit in an effort to reduce the congestion on Sycamore Avenue during peak drop-off and pick-up times. Please review the following information below on getting to and from school.

    Going Green

    Our primary objective is to “Go Green.” We strongly encourage all students to walk, ride their bicycles, or roll on their scooters and skateboards to school.  Not only does this help alleviate congestion, but it is also an environmentally-friendly and healthy way of traveling to and from school.

    Bus Pass Information

    Marin Transit offers an annual pass that is distributed through participating Marin County Schools. The fee for the annual pass is $325.
    To purchase a pass, please email our coordinator Kristine Thompson

    Students from income-qualified households may be eligible for a free Youth Pass. To apply, downland and complete the Parent/Guardian Certification for Eligibility for Free Youth Pass form and return it to our coordinator Kristine Thompson.


    All parents (and students) are encouraged to create carpool groups with residents/friends in their neighborhood.

    Drop-off and Pick-up areas

    While we want to promote going green and carpooling, we also understand that students will need to be dropped off and picked up. Listed below are the areas for drop-off and pick-up students. Parents are encouraged to utilize the drop-off/pick-up area closest to their neighborhood. (Peak drop-off times are 8:00-8:15 every morning, and peak pick-up times are 2:05-2:35 on Mondays/Fridays, 2:40-3:10 on Tuesdays/Thursdays, and 1:00-1:30 on Wednesdays)


    Hauke Park –Please remember to park in the appropriate spaces, and not stop in the red zone or fire station driveway.

    The Community Center
    – Drop-off/pick-up is located in the back portion of the lot near the baseball fields. Students will be rerouted to this area after school for pick-up. Please do not stop in the roundabout or in the yellow loading zones during drop-off and pick-up times. Drop-offs and pick-ups in the roundabout area are prohibited.

    Tam High
    –Parents who drop off and pick up both high school and middle school students are strongly encouraged to drop off and pick up at Tam High, having the middle school students walk to MVMS from the high school.

    Alternative Areas
    – An efficient way to drop off and pick up students is to utilize safe areas along Camino Alto, then have the students walk to MVMS (i.e. Safeway and Whole Foods parking lots)

    – When dropping off and picking up at the middle school, please adhere to all traffic signs. Also, all cars must make the U-turn at the end of Sycamore, and ARE NOT allowed to turn left (or make a U-turn) into the district lot for drop-off and pick-up.