MUHSD Comprehensive Plan and Prevention Practices
Comprehensive Plan
The MUHSD staff utilizes a multi-pronged approach to sexual harassment and bullying, including accountability measures, clear policies and procedures, and regular training for all.
Detailed Sexual Harassment/ Bullying Action Plan
Prevention Practices for Harassment
Committed & Engaged Leadership
- Clarity-harassments unacceptable
- Allocating resources
- Personnel time- dedicated training
- Evaluation of effectiveness of practices
Consistent & Demonstrated Accountability
- Clear messaging regarding investigation & follow-up
- Alignment of discipline policy, penal code & Title IX regulations
Strong & Comprehensive Harassment Policies
- Policies updated to reflect new regulations & guidance
Trusted & Accessible Complaint Procedures
- Complaint procedures clear
- Investigation processes consistent
- Accessible to parents, staff, students
- Multiple languages
Regular, Interactive Training Tailored to Audience
- Annual training for all admin (recognizing, receiving, responding, investigation & follow-up
- Organizational power structures
- Training for teachers
- Freshman health class for students
- Flyer & training for parents
Maintaining Consistent and Appropriate Documentation
- Title IX Coordinator creates log of complaints
- Title IX Coordinator oversees site and district confidential documentation system, including effective communications with parents, corrective plans and follow-up, appropriate use of personnel files
Proactive Efforts to Check, Address and Modify “Culture and Climate” Issues
- Implement culture and climate assessment tools
- Consider multicultural issues
- Focus on prevention by including involvement of all genders in prevention efforts
- Consider “bystander” interventions and training
*Adapted from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission “Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment” with revisions per Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
MUHSD Practices for Preventing Harassment