-Moving Up! Families - Transitional Kindergarten
What is Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
How is it different from Traditional Kindergarten? Is it a required grade? With the advent of TK, lots of questions are in the air! In brief "It is the first year of a two-year kindergarten experience for students who are born between September and December" (Preschool California). To get your local, Milpitas Unified School District, questions answered (or to enroll your child) please contact your local elementary school. Not sure what school your child will attend? Click here to access the school finder utility. For general questions and more state-wide information about TK, go to the TK California website where you can access a fact sheet, an age chart, the latest news and much more.
Does your child have starting school jitters? Do you
New experiences can be exciting, scary, unnerving and wonderful. A great way to calm your child's anxieties (and your's too!) is to read some books about starting school. Click here to see a long list of books which can help ease your whole family's transition to school. Pick out a few titles every week and start preparing for the future!
Note: The book list is divided up by age in years, starting with 1 year old through 6 years old and ending with a parent section. Spanish titles are in red. SCCL after the title indicates that this book is available from the Santa Clara County Library System. To find out more about their holdings, visit their website by clicking here. Other titles may be available from online booksellers or other library systems.
Note: The book list is divided up by age in years, starting with 1 year old through 6 years old and ending with a parent section. Spanish titles are in red. SCCL after the title indicates that this book is available from the Santa Clara County Library System. To find out more about their holdings, visit their website by clicking here. Other titles may be available from online booksellers or other library systems.
What will my child do in Transitional Kindergarten
They will have lots of fun and engage in lots of learning! Transitional Kindergarten (TK) will be offered again this fall at selected schools in Milpitas. Take a look at this sample schedule to get an idea about how your child might spend his day.
Thanks to Ms. Lundeen (Rose TK) for sharing her half day schedule!
8:00 Journal
8:15 Calendar
8:30 Music/Science/Art/Centers
rotated throughout the week
8:45 Language Arts
whole group and small group
9:10 Bathroom
9:15 Recess
9:45 Exploration
10:30 Bathroom
10:35 Math - Boardmath
and math groups
11:10 Closing Circle
11:20 Dismissal
Thanks to Ms. Lundeen (Rose TK) for sharing her half day schedule!
8:00 Journal
8:15 Calendar
8:30 Music/Science/Art/Centers
rotated throughout the week
8:45 Language Arts
whole group and small group
9:10 Bathroom
9:15 Recess
9:45 Exploration
10:30 Bathroom
10:35 Math - Boardmath
and math groups
11:10 Closing Circle
11:20 Dismissal
Top 10 Things to Do The Summer before Transitional Kindergarten
1. Focus on Language ~
Speak Up! Read! Write!
2. Use your Muscles ~
Get your big muscles moving! Little muscle practice!
3. Explore your World ~
Grow your brain!
4. Practice Kindergarten Academics ~
Learn your ABCs! Get counting! Experiment and ask “Why?”
5. Early to Bed and Early to Rise…
Set in place home routines and schedules now so you are all ready when school starts.
6. I Can Do It!
Work on independence. Practice self–control. Be a good friend.
7. You are You ~
What makes your child unique? Celebrate your culture and tell family stories.
8. Be Smart about Electronics ~
Limit “screen time” to no more than 1-2 hours per day.
9. Health Matters ~
Set in place healthy habits to last a lifetime. Practice good hygiene at home. Remember - safety first!
10. What Will Kindergarten Be Like?
Let’s find out by reading a book...
Speak Up! Read! Write!
2. Use your Muscles ~
Get your big muscles moving! Little muscle practice!
3. Explore your World ~
Grow your brain!
4. Practice Kindergarten Academics ~
Learn your ABCs! Get counting! Experiment and ask “Why?”
5. Early to Bed and Early to Rise…
Set in place home routines and schedules now so you are all ready when school starts.
6. I Can Do It!
Work on independence. Practice self–control. Be a good friend.
7. You are You ~
What makes your child unique? Celebrate your culture and tell family stories.
8. Be Smart about Electronics ~
Limit “screen time” to no more than 1-2 hours per day.
9. Health Matters ~
Set in place healthy habits to last a lifetime. Practice good hygiene at home. Remember - safety first!
10. What Will Kindergarten Be Like?
Let’s find out by reading a book...
More Resources
Want to download a Kindergarten Readiness Handbook? This free resource is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese and covers important topics like the "building blocks of kindergarten readiness" and a "countdown to kindergarten calendar". Click above to go to the First 5 Santa Clara County kindergarten readiness site.
Registration Information for Milpitas Unified School District
Kindergarten Registration
Transitional Kindergarten Registration
Registration Information for Milpitas Unified School District
Kindergarten Registration
Transitional Kindergarten Registration