School Success Starts with Attendance
Absences From School
If a student is absent all day, part of the day or from any class, student must bring a dated note explaining the absence. The note must be signed by a parent/guardian. If the student has a doctor/dental appointment, the note must be on letterhead, have the doctor/dentist’s name and time of the appointment. All notes must be turned in to the school office. All notes will be reviewed and may be verified with doctor/dental office. The note will be kept in the student’s attendance file. Students must be present at least 3.5 hours (11:20am) to be counted present for the entire school day.
- Excuse notes must be submitted within five (5) days of absence.
- Funeral notes must include either funeral card or an obituary of an immediate family member (parents, grandparents, siblings). Administrators may make exceptions.
- Parents may only excuse five (5) days per semester with a written note. 10 per year.
- Notes may be emailed to mrshamburg@mauryk12.org
Parent Notes For Absences Or Tardies
- Must include student’s full name (not a nickname or only first name).
- Must include date(s) student was absent .
- Must include reason student was absent.
- Must have parent/guardian signature and valid phone number to verify if necessary.
- One student per note. Please do not include two or more students on one note. We must have a separate note for each student’s file.
- Each day absent will equal one parent excuse (limit 5 per semester).
Tardy To School
A student is expected to be on time to school and to class and be seated in his/her desk in the classroom when the tardy bell rings.
- Students who are tardy to school must sign in through the front office to get a tardy slip.
- Doctor, Court, funeral, etc. notes accepted for a tardy
- 4 Unexcused tardies: will equal one unexcused absence and will be applied to the Truancy Tiered Intervention process.
- Tardy count for truancy starts over each semester (See MCPS Board Policy 6.200)
School Level Consequences For Tardies (Per Quarter)
- Every 3 Unexcused: One day silent ISS lunch
Early Dismissal
- Parent/Guardian or listed emergency contact must come into the school office to sign a student out. Valid photo ID will be required to enter the building.
- Students will not be released unless the adult is on the approved contact/release to list.
- No early dismissals after 2:15pm unless the adult has a doctor's appointment card to show cause per MCPS board policy.
MCPS Progressive Truancy Intervention Plan
Prior to referral to juvenile court, the following progressive truancy intervention plan will be implemented:
- Tier I: All students begin the school year in Tier I; Attendance Expectations Letter is sent to parent/guardian the first week of school; attendance clerk will make contact with the parent/guardian at 3 unexcused absences.
- Tier II starts at 5 Unexcused Absences and includes the following: Conference with student and parent; attendance contract; regularly scheduled follow-up meeting to discuss the student’s progress; an individualized assessment detailing reasons for absences and, if necessary, referral to counseling, community-based services, or other services to address the student’s attendance problems, if necessary.
- Tier III shall be implemented if the truancy interventions in Tier II are unsuccessful and may consist of one or more of the following: school-based community services; participation in a school-based restorative justice program; referral to a school-based teen court; or Saturday or after-school courses designed to improve attendance and behavior.
- 12 unexcused absences or failure to comply with the Progressive Truancy Intervention Plan at the school level will result in referral to the District Truancy Review Board and a petition to Juvenile Court.
Student Contact Information
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to complete the student registration/contact form with valid information so that we may contact you regarding any school-related issues. No phone calls, emails or notes will be accepted to change contact information. For the safety of your student, parent/guardian MUST make changes in person in the school office. Photo ID will be required.