Highland Park Elementary School

Dedicated to Excellence in Education


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  • Welcome to Highland Park Elementary:  The Place to Dream, Believe, and Achieve

    Highland Park is a small PreK-4th grade school located just 1 mile from the center of Columbia's town square. We are a caring faculty and staff of approximately 300 students. We provide many before and after school activities for our students such as: Art Club, Chorus, Cross Country, and TN All Core Tutoring. We work collaboratively to meet the needs of each and every student.  

    I encourage you to be as involved in your child’s education as much as you can, so always feel free to contact the school, school counselor, your child’s teacher or administration for any concerns or suggestions. All of us at HPES look forward to working with each and every parent, guardian and stakeholder to have a successful 2023-24 school year!


    Kelly Myers - Principal







    Highland Park Elementary Library Collection

    Visit here to learn more about the HPES library collection.





    New Grading Scale and Third Grade Retention Law

    Hello Maury County Parents,

    The Tennessee General Assembly, during the 112 Session, passed several pieces of legislation impacting educators and families. Below are two things that parents and guardians should familiarize themselves with as the 2022-2023 academic year begins.

    1. Grading Scale changes impact all 3rd through 12th- students in Maury County. The traditional grading scale consisting of a seven (7) point scale has been replaced with the ten (10) point scale. Rather than operating under two grading scales, MCPS, like most systems in the state, is implementing the ten-point scale. High school students benefit from this change by becoming more competitive with neighboring states who implemented a ten-point scale and their students who compete for scholarship opportunities in and out of state.

    The following represents the new grading scale:

    (1) The "A" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 90-100;
    (2) The "B" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 80-89;
    (3) The "C" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 70-79;
    (4) The "D" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 60-69; and
    (5) The "F" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 50-59.

    1. Third Grade Retention Law (T.C.A. 49-6-3115) impacts all students in grades PreK-3, with 3rd grade being the most impacted. A student in 3rd grade who does not meet the requirements set forth by the General Assembly will be retained and/or required to attend summer remediation programs before being promoted to the 4th grade.

    The importance of attending school daily and taking all local and state-mandated assessments seriously when administered is more important now than ever before. Promotion and Retention weigh heavily on assessment performance. Additionally, participation in tutoring programs like TN All Corps can improve the chances of success on TN Ready assessments. Each elementary school will share with parents and guardians' information regarding the 3rd grade Retention Law in the coming days and weeks.




  • Synergy

23-24 School Supplies

  • Kindergarten
  • First Grade
  • Second Grade
  • Third Grade
  • Fourth Grade


Boys & Girls Club

  • BGC Logo

    Boys and Girls Clubs of South Central Tennessee offers before and after-school programs throughout Maury County Public SchoolsInformation and forms for enrollment are found on the Boys and Girls Clubs website. Contact information for before and after-school programs can also be found on their websiteEmail or call 931-490-9401.

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