• Dress Code Reminders

    Maury County Public Schools has set our Dress Code, which every school employee is expected to enforce. While the following is not an exclusive list, here are the basics that will help most middle school students and parents navigate their back-to-school shopping.

    • Hoodies may be worn, but the hoods themselves are NOT to be worn in the building.
    • Top wear should cover from the shoulders to the waist or lower. Midriffs should not show.
    • Tops worn under jackets must also follow dress code. (No tank tops, tube tops, etc.)
    • Pants must be worn at the waist and must not show underwear or shorts. (No sagging.)
    • No skin more than three inches above the knee should show. This applies to dress, skirt, and short length. It also refers to holes in jeans. If holes are higher than 3 inches, biker shorts, leggings, or tights must be worn underneath the jeans.
    • Neither leggings nor tights are to be worn alone as bottom wear, unless they are covered by a tunic (top) that is no more than 3 inches above the knee.
    • House shoes are not to be worn to school.
    • Blankets are not to be brought to school.
    • No head coverings are to be worn. This includes caps, hats, bandanas, etc.

    MCPS Dress Code 6.310