E. A. Cox Middle School

Dedicated to Excellence in Education


      • Principal Tonjia Potts

        Welcome to E. A. Cox Middle School!  We have many plans for an exciting 2023-2024 school year – all centered around high expectations for our students and celebrating their successes.  Our teachers, staff, and administration are dedicated to providing rigorous academic instruction in a welcoming and safe learning environment.  Students are encouraged to seek out both social and academic clubs, cultivate an appreciation of the arts, and participate in extracurricular and athletic activities.  

        To our families, we encourage you to be an active participant in your child’s education. There will be extensive opportunities for you to attend events at the school this year.  Several times throughout the year, I will host  “Coffee with the Principal” events.  Based on parent input, these will be held at various times, so watch our newsletter for specific information. Each quarter, we will also host Student-Led Conferences, where your child will explain the goals they have set and the data they are using to inform their learning.  Please see our calendar and Facebook page to stay informed about all our athletic events as well! 

        I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you this year as we all work together to make this 2023-2024 school year special for all our students. 

        931-840-3902 (ext 5507)

      • 2024/2025 Information

        Out of Zone applications were due on April 30, 2024. All applicants will be notified by letter of approval.

        OnLine Registration - All students will be required to complete online registration for next school year. Registration will re-open on May 13, 2024

        Rising 7th graders - incoming 7th graders are required by state law to have updated immunizations to start the new school year. Please make arrangements to have your student immunized prior to school starting in August. Proof of immunizations must be submitted on TN Dept of Health Immunization form.  Only a completed form signed by a medical professional will be accepted per board policy.

        Rising 5th graders - incoming 5th graders will have a parent night on 5/14/24 5-6pm.  Staff will visit 4th graders at their schools during the day. Guardians are invited to join us that night for a tour, meet the teachers, Q&A, followed by a band concert at 6:30pm.

        Rising 9th graders - outgoing 8th graders - please check your zoned high school for information regarding orientation, schedules, activities, etc. Students from Cox Middle School will be zoned into 3 different high school - Central, Spring Hill & Battle Creek.  We will do our best to keep up with the details, but please check with your zoned high school for complete information.

        Frequently Asked Questions:

        Online Registration (OLR)

        Do I have to online register for 24/25 school year? Yes, register your student at https://www.mauryk12.org/Page/153 using your Parent Vue account information. Paper registration will not be available. 

        Who can register a student? Only the legal guardian with educational rights can register a student. 

        I don’t know my Parent Vue information Contact the school where your student is currently enrolled for assistance.  EA Cox can only see information for our current students. 

        I’m in the OLR but I can’t get to the 24/25 school year? Delete any pending or “in-progress” registrations for the 23/24 school year.   

        I can’t proceed to the next section? All * items must be answered 

        OLR says complete but the school is telling me it didn’t go through You must complete ALL the sections, REVIEW & SUBMIT for the registration to process. 

        It says documents are required; can I bring them to school instead of uploading them? Yes, hard copies are accepted at schoolRegistrations without completed documents will not be processed. 

        I gave documents last year – do I need to give them again? Yes – due to rezoning, all guardians are required to submit current proof of residency for the new school year.  3 proofs of your current address in the guardian's name will be required. Any combination of utility bills within the last 30 days, current lease, property tax card, property insurance, etc. that shows the address will be accepted.   

        Proof of residency is not in my name, what do I do?  You must have a notarized letter from the current resident stating you are living at the address listed3 proofs of residency will still be required in the current resident’s name. 

        Do I have to submit a birth certificate? Yes, only if your student is new to EA CoxIf your student is returning to EA Cox, we should already have one on file. 

        Do I have to submit proof of immunizations? Yes, only if your student is new to EA Cox OR if your student is going into the 7th grade, as new immunizations are required by state lawNew students & 7th graders that do not have the TN Dept of Health Immunization certificate will not be allowed to attend classes in August.   

        Do I have to provide custody paperwork?  Yes, if you have a parenting plan, sole custody, guardianship, power of attorney or something else that would prohibit a biological parent from being a part of the student’s educationIf you have paperwork authorizing someone who is not the biological parent access to the student’s education or care – we must have a current copy. 

        I’ve given legal paperwork before; do I have to submit it again? Yes, submit the most current and up to date information available at the beginning of every school year & any other changes that may occur during the school year. 

        How will I know what bus my student rides? Transportation information will be sent out over the summer. Bus information will only be for the student's resident address. If there is a day that your student needs to ride a bus to an alternate location – a request each day must be made in writing stating the different address & reason for changeRequests must be approved before taking effect  

        How do I know if my student is registered at EA Cox? Once OLR is submitted, we will review the registration and email the guardian if registration is complete or if it is pending document reviewIf registration is pending – documents should be submitted as soon as possible to complete the process. 

        When will I know my student’s classes EA Cox staff will work diligently throughout the summer to create class schedules for all registered students. It is imperative that OLR be completed during April’s open enrollment period.


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