• Belief Statements


    Our Joseph Brown Bear Family Believes

    • Teaching and learning require a healthy, safe, and orderly environment that supports cooperation and collaboration.
    • Students benefit when parents are actively engaged in the education of their children.
    • Students learn at different rates, but all students can learn.
    • Parent and community partnership is essential to a successful school.
    • Curriculum should focus on enhancing student learning.
    • All faculty & staff must be committed to continuous learning, and all schools must possess a growth mindset in an effort to grow.
    • Schools must have effective leaders that are lifelong learners.
    • Everyone can learn when learning is differentiated to meet individual needs.
    • If we work in harmony with others in the education of our children and show that we take pride in our work, students will learn from our attitudes.
    • Experiencing success is crucial to every learner.