Kentucky System of Intervention

  • KSI: Kentucky System of Intervention

    Optimizing Instruction for All Learners

    Kentucky System of Intervention (KSI) is an educational approach that emphasizes optimizing instruction and responsiveness to the needs of all learners. The goal of KSI is to prepare students to be college and career ready to live and work in our community.  There are six beliefs behind KSI:

    1. All children can learn.
    2. Interventions must happen early.
    3. More than one tier of interventions is used.
    4. A problem-solving method is used when moving between tiers of intervention.
    5. Methods must be based on research or scientific evidence.
    6. Data is used to make decisions about placement and interventions.

    The Hopkins County schools implements KSI through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).  MTSS provides schools with a framework for utilizing high quality, evidence-based instruction, intervention, and assessment practices to provide all students with a level of instruction and support that is matched to their academic and behavioral needs. 

    MTSS is built upon three tiers of intervention: 

    • Tier 1 interventions refer to services all students receive in the form of academic and behavioral instruction. Tier 1 provides school-wide and class-wide supports and interventions available to all students to prevent problem behaviors, encourage pro-social behaviors and address the unique academic, behavioral and social-emotional needs of students in a particular school. 
    • Tier 2 interventions are provided for students who need more student-specific instruction and support. These services may be provided in small groups both in and out of the classroom. The purpose of Tier 2 instruction and supports is to improve student performance and prevent further negative impacts on learning and social development. 
    • Tier 3 interventions provide intensive supports that are matched to the specific needs of an individual student. These services may be provided individually or in small groups. The purpose of Tier 3 instruction is to help students overcome significant barriers to learning academic and/or behavior skills required for school success.

    When a student does not make adequate progress in developing grade level skills and data supports a suspected disability, the school may request parent permission to conduct an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. In addition, parents have the right to request an evaluation at any time. Referrals must be made in writing to building principal or designee. (Link will download Word document form.) Following receipt of the referral, a meeting will be conducted to determine if referral concerns and student data support a suspected disability. If data supports a suspected disability, consent to evaluate will be requested. If data is inconclusive, additional data may be requested.  If data does not support a suspected disability, an evaluation will not be conducted.

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  • Universal Screening/BenchmarkingCup full of pencils

    Universal Screenings are conducted at set intervals in the year.  Tools that are commonly used throughout the district include Brigance, MAP, and CERT, and discipline data collected in SWIS or Infinite Campus. Results from the universal screener, along with other relevant student data, is analyzed to identify student learning and behavioral needs. 

    Family Involvement

    Families play a key role in any school/district intervention system with a goal of improving student success. Continual and purposeful two-way communication between school and home must flow seamlessly. Families should regularly receive information concerning their children's academic achievement and behavioral standards, along with any interventions delivered. Productive and collaborative relationships between parents and school staff must be established to maximize efforts in meeting individual student needs.

    Two teachers talk with students and a parent Involving parents at all phases is a key aspect of a successful academic and/or behavioral intervention program. Parents can provide critical information about students thus, increasing the likelihood that interventions will be effective.  For this reason, the classroom teacher or other school staff will make a concerted effort to involve parents as early as possible. This can be done through traditional methods such as parent-teacher conferences, regularly scheduled meetings, or by other communications.  


    The critical element of the KSI system is the delivery of scientific, research-based interventions with fidelity. This means that the curriculum and instructional approacComputer screen showing graphs hes must have a high probability of success for the majority of students.  By using peer-reviewed, research-based practices, schools efficiently use time and resources and protect students from ineffective instructional and evaluative practices.

    Progress Monitoring

    When interventions are provided, growth or progress must be monitored frequently in order to determine if the academic or behavioral intervention is working for a student. Progress monitoring is the use of assessments that can be collected frequently and are sensitive to small changes in student progress. Data collected through this process are used to determine whether changes in the instruction or student goals are needed.  

    Data-Based Decisions

    Decisions within the KSI system are made by teams using a blended model of standard Hands working on papers with charts treatment protocol and/or problem-solving techniques.  Using a standard treatment protocol simply means that KSI teams can preselect research-based interventions and have those tools available in advance to be delivered as soon as learning or behavior problems are identified.  Data from the universal screening process is used to identify students in need of support, and progress monitoring data is used to determine if the student is responding adequately to the interventions.  If not, then additional strategies are utilized or an individualized problem solving approach is implemented.  These techniques ensure that decisions about a student’s needs are made from data collected about the student’s response to high quality academic and/or behavioral instruction and interventions.