Student Assessment Information

  • For detailed information on an individual school's results, go to KDE's School Report Cards page.

    More information is available online at the following sites:

    Kentucky's Accountability System at a Glance

    MAP Tests

    The district also administers MAP tests — short for Measures of Academic Progress — throughout the year to students in grades 1-5.  

    MAP will show a student’s progress over time. That growth is measured on the RIT scale (Rasch unit). In reading, a Lexile score will also be displayed that helps identify reading material that is at the appropriate level of difficulty for each student.

    For more information, go to The MAP Parent Toolkit, which was prepared by the Northwest Evaluation Association.


    Students in grades 6-10 will be assessed in reading, math, English and science using CERT (College Equipped Readiness Tool). The assessments provide parents and educators with students’ individualized skill levels in the areas of reading, math, English and science, and the scores predict how well a student will perform on the ACT.


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