• Special Programming with FPS

Full Day, Vacation Weeks, & Summer Programming

  • Community Resource Development offers programming during non-school days, February recess, April recess, and summer break. These programs are full day programs that offer physical movement, recess, outdoor time, in-house field trips, themed STEAM and project-based learning activities throughout the day.

  • Summer Programming: Elementary and Secondary Summer Fun

    Framingham Public Schools Department of Community Resource Development offers a range of summer programs for all students in the Framingham School System. Summer Programs primarily run through the month of July, with some exceptions.

  • Full Day Programming

    Community Resource Development offers Full Day programs from 7:30am - 5:30pm on multiple days that there is no school. These programs are open district wide and provide students with a full day of STEAM, Art, Movement and different themed project based learning activities. Students from all elementary schools come together to one site to participate in these programs.

    For a full list of Full Day programs, please see the Explorers Calendar:

    • September 26th
    • October 5th
    • October 7th
    • November 8th
    • March 9th
  • Vacation Weeks Programming

    Community Resource Development offers full day programs from 7:30am - 5:30pm during the Vacation Weeks when school is on break. These programs include Recess, Outdoor Time (weather permitting), Physical Activities, and themed STEAM and Art activities.

    During these programs there are also opportunities for vendors and community partners to visit and do fun and exciting activities such as; Yoga, Book Mobile, Animal Adventures and more! Our Vacation Week programs are open district wide.

    For vacation week dates, please refer to the Explorers Calendar. Please note all programs are subject to change and any updated information will be communicated.