

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Melissa Bradshaw

School Phone: (828) 396-2188

Classroom extension: #   386207


My name is  Melissa Bradshaw and I teach Family and Consumer Science courses.

The goal of FACS is that our students become responsible citizens and leaders in family, community, and work settings. Family and Consumer Science is comprised of five different subjects, including interior design, child development & early childhood education, consumer decisions, apparel production, fashion design,textiles, and foods & nutrition.

FACS courses teach students to manage resources, promote optimal wellness, and balance personal, home, family and work across the life span.  Family and consumer sciences courses are extremely valuable to a student's education.

In a FACS course, students will learn problem- solving, decision-making, higher order thinking, communication, literacy, and math skills as they are applied to community service, workplace, and family dynamics.