- South Caldwell High School
- Syllabus
- South Caldwell High School
- Syllabus
Welcome to Class!
I look forward to a great semester and have high expectations for every student. All Family and Consumer Sciences courses teach you skills that you’ll use throughout your life and are one of only a few secondary education courses where you get to see immediate results from your effort to learn the content. Plus! I am a HUGE fan of using art to help you understand the concepts in this course. So, get ready to draw and color!
All class assignments can be found in the district LMS Canvas. Instruction will take place in the classroom.
Here are some important things that you need to know that will make your semester run smoothly and provide the best environment for you to learn.
Each student will need the following materials:
1 subject notebook/loose-leaf paper for class material and notes.
OR a 3 Ring Binder (1" - 1 1/2")
Sketchbook (Interior Design)
Student Chromebook (Fully Charged)
Pens, Erasers, Colored pencils, Markers, Sharpie Markers, Highlighters, Crayons (for projects)
Optional but very Helpful
Wireless mouse
Pens, Erasers, Colored pencils, Markers, Sharpie Markers, Highlighters, Crayons (for projects)
Items for classroom donations are always greatly appreciated!
Kleenex tissues
Clorox wipes
Student grades reflect the percent correct of the total possible points for an assignment.
Grading Period
20% of the student’s total grade.
Students will have 5 days to turn in any make-up work from an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with their instructor and arrange to open/obtain any missed assignments. Any student missing a test, lab, or quiz will need to arrange a time to make up the assignment within the 5-day period after the student returns to class.
Students are expected to abide by the CCS District policies regarding the use of all electronic devices including their personal cell phones. Your student is not allowed to use their cell phone during the class period unless the instructor has given them permission. Please refrain from calling or texting your student during class. If you need to reach them, the class phone number is on the front of this syllabus. Please call the main office; they can transfer the call to my classroom.
Please note for Food/Nutrition courses; cellular devices carry a multitude of germs that can contaminate food, therefore: CELL PHONE USAGE IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE FOOD LABORATORY SETTING (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Please refer below to the guidelines and disciplinary actions concerning cell phone/headphone and electronic device usage per student handbook.
Inappropriate use of Electronic Device/Cellphone/Earbuds
Device confiscated and turned in to the office to be picked up by student after school. *Failure to surrender device is an automatic OSS.
Device confiscated and turned into the office to be picked up by student after school; 1 day ISS with device in office while serving. *Failure to surrender device is an automatic OSS.
Device confiscated and turned into the office to be picked up by student after school; 2 days ISS with device in office while serving. *Failure to surrender device is an automatic OSS.
Device confiscated and turned into the office to be picked up by student after school; 1 day of OSS. *Failure to surrender device is an additional OSS.
All assignments in this course are individual assignments unless otherwise specified. Every completed assignment should be submitted using your own personal knowledge, thoughts, words, and understanding of the content. Your teacher is available and willing to assist you when you need guidance. Students are encouraged to make every effort to maintain academic integrity when completing all assignments and assessments. Please refer to the guidelines and disciplinary actions concerning academic integrity located in the student handbook here.
Students are allowed to consume a snack in the classroom. Students are expected to consume their lunches in the school cafeteria. All food and drink stored in the laboratory area are to be used for classroom lab purposes. Any food taken from this area by a student for personal consumption is considered stealing and will result in disciplinary action for the student.
· Please arrive on time and ready to participate.
· Please respect our expectations for classroom behavior.
· Please bring the required supplies to class.
· Please complete ALL assignments in a timely manner.
· Please practice personal safety while in the classroom and laboratory.
1. First offense: Talk with Ms. Bradshaw after class / Parent contact
2. Second offense: Discipline referral (ISS) / Parent contact
3. Third offense: Administration removal from class / Parent contact and conference.