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- Dudley Shoals Elementary
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Mrs. Kripner
After graduating from Appalachian State University with a degree in Education, I attended graduate school at UNC-Wilmington. I am certified Elementary K-6 as well as Middle School 6-9 Language Arts/Social Studies. This summer, I completed all training courses for the Google Educator Certification Level I. I have four wonderful children, three cats, and a dog. I love teaching students, learning, reading, nature, traveling, and gardening.
This past year, I created an Outdoor Classroom at DSES with the help from my school, my students, parents, and the community. As any teacher knows, students need to be engaged with learning to improve student achievement. Outdoor Classrooms provide the perfect setting for all subjects. I hope to continue to pursue funding through grants and social media so the classroom can be expanded with shade structures.