

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Parker Majerus


¡Bienvenidos a todos! My name is Parker Majerus and I will be teaching Spanish I along with my assistant, Tony el Toro!  We are super excited to be here in North Carolina and Mt. Pleasant after spending two years teaching Spanish and English in Iowa.  I am a 2020 graduate of Central College in Pella, IA and earned degrees in Spanish, English, and Education.

In Spanish I, students are expected to be active listeners and participants everyday when they walk in the door.  Being prepared, punctual, and displaying high energy will serve students well. 

If you ever need to reach me about a question or concern, please email me at


Daily Schedule

1st Block : Planning

2nd Block: Spanish I

3rd Block : Spanish I

4th Block : Spanish I


Club : Open Gym on Mondays


Curriculum Website link

While most of the course material is centered and based around the Somos I curriculum, we also utilize short films, videos, documentaries, and instructor created materials.