The International Thespian Society

  • Google Form for Attendance

    What is The International Thespian Society?

    It is basically an Honors Drama Club!  Students are able to attend meetings and start collecting points in order to be inducted into this society.

    How do I join?

    Our meetings for the 22-23 school year are on Thursdays (Thespian Thursdays).  They are from 2:30-3:30 in Mrs. Kamp's room, Room F111.  Come out to a meeting and we will give you all of the paperwork/points sheets to get started.  You will need to earn 10 points in order to be inducted in the society and inductions are held in the spring.  

    What does it mean to be a Thespian member?

    It means that you are held to a high standard and that you dedicate yourself to this art form and sharing the love of theatre with others!  You will get to wear a blue/gold cord at graduation, get an ITS pin, membership card, and certificate.  You can put this honors society on resumes and applications!  


    Join our Remind Group

    Text to 81010, the message @adhf29


    Meeting Dates for Spring 2023

    Jan 5th

    Feb 2nd

    March 2nd

    April 6th

    May 1st, 2nd, 3rd (rehearsals until 4)

    May 4th 


Last Modified on January 5, 2023