Phone: 704-260-6190


Degrees and Certifications:

BS-Buffalo State College 1999. MS - Canisius College 2003. -GLEE (Gifted Local Endorsement for Educators) course graduate

Mr. Joseph Clarke

Welcome to my webpage. I teach Physical Education at Harrisburg Elementary. This is my 9th year at Harrisburg and my 18th year teaching. I am originally from Buffalo,NY. I got my Bachelors degree at Buffalo St. University (GO Bengals!!) and Masters at Canisius College. I am a huge Yankees and Buffalo Bills fan. I coach Boys tennis at West Cabarrus High School and have coached baseball prior to that. My hobbies include playing tennis, basketball, pickleball, travelling and collecting sports memorabilia. In October we will begin a Fit Club after school for grades 4 and 5.  The Fit Club provides an opportunity for kids to train for a 5k. They will also learn and do many other fitness activities. Any questions please be free to email about any concerns. Looking forward to a great 2022-2023 school Year at Harrisburg Elementary.

Are you Ready for PE? 

Please make sure all your clothing is appropriate for a lot of physical activity.  It is important that you wear sneakers or tennis shoes for safe participation in PE class.  Students can bring a change of clothes/shoes if they wish.
As more research that is done on exercise, sport and Physical Education, the more obvious the importance of each and every student developing Physical Literacy becomes.  Physical Education is not just important for those students that want to be athletes, but for everyone to develop social, emotional and physical skills that they will need for the rest of their lives.   

 Not only is Physical Education important for health, but it also improves academic performance, emotional well being and overal helps students achieve success in life through goal setting, developing perseverance, learning to use team work and improving self confidence. 


kids exercising Are you getting PA (physical activity) every day? 
The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that children ages 6 to 17 participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.  
Last Modified on August 16, 2022