

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Chasity Pickich

Hello, I am Chasity Pickich, a 1994 graduate of Biloxi High School.   I am very excited about teaching 5th grade Science/Social Studies this school year.  I believe that 2 of the most important days in one’s life are the day they are born, and the day they realize their “why.”  One “why” is my passion for learning and sharing my love of science with students. I believe that “Science That’s Done…Is Fun,” and I look forward to making science come alive this school year for students.  This is my 26th year in education, but my first-year teaching in Mississippi.  I retired as a science educator in Alabama, where I have received numerous national awards, including the Alabama State Teacher of the Year, the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, and the Dolly Parton Chasing Rainbow Award. I have 3 children of my own and love spending time with them.

Please email me  if you have any concerns or questions. 

Science Syllabus- Quarter 1 (9 weeks)

Social Studies Syllabus - 2023-2024 School Year