

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Caitlin Simons

• 2008 Graduate of Boaz High School

• 2008-2010 Gadsden State Community College Alumni & Member of the Women's Basketball Team

• 2010-2013 Jacksonville State University Alumni 

• April, 2013 JSU Graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Collaborative Education (6-12)

I began teaching at Etowah High School in August of 2013 and am currently in my fourth year of doing what I love at the best school and with the best co-workers ever. I'm a Special Education and Math Inclusion teacher, as well as the Key Club sponsor and the JV Girls Basketball coach. My passion is pouring into and investing into the lives of my students and players. My prayer is to touch each and every one in some positive way that they will never forget. 

I'm also engaged to my high school sweetheart, Matt, and we're getting married March 24, 2017. So I'm Ms. Whitt for now but soon to be Mrs. Simons.