• Types of Bullying

    There are three types of bullying:

    • Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes:
      • Teasing
      • Name-calling
      • Inappropriate sexual comments
      • Taunting
      • Threatening to cause harm
    • Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes:
      • Leaving someone out on purpose
      • Telling other children not to be friends with someone
      • Spreading rumors about someone
      • Embarrassing someone in public
    • Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying includes:
      • Hitting/kicking/pinching
      • Spitting
      • Tripping/pushing
      • Taking or breaking someone’s things
      • Making mean or rude hand gestures
  • Report bullying here

    If you would like to report bullying being done to you or someone else, please fill out the survey above.