2014-2015 Board Meetings

6/25/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
6/4/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
5/21/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
5/7/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
4/23/2015 Special Meeting PDF PDF
4/16/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
4/8/2015 Special Meeting PDF PDF
3/19/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
3/13/2015 Special Meeting PDF PDF
3/9/2015 Special Meeting PDF PDF
3/5/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
2/19/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
2/19/2015 Special Workshop PDF PDF
2/5/2015 Regular PDF iPDF PDF
1/15/2015 Regular PDF PDF PDF
12/11/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
11/20/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
11/6/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
10/16/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
10/2/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
9/18/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
9/4/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
8/14/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
7/17/2014 Regular PDF PDF PDF
  • On this page, you may view available annotated agendas, as well as agenda minutes, for recent meetings of the Board of Education at Alvord Unified School District.

    Please note that these summaries are posted after the Board's approval of the minutes of prior meetings of the Board of Education. As such, the summary for the most recent meeting may not be shown here, as it is awaiting the Board's approval of the minutes for that meeting.

    If you encounter any issues with a file posted here, please send a message to contact@alvord.k12.ca.us.  

Last Modified on October 4, 2018